Sunday, September 30, 2007

Why Do You Share

A reporter once asked a farmer to divulge the secret behind his corn, which won the state fair contest year after year. The farmer confessed it was all because he shared his seed with his neighbors.

Why do you share your best seed corn with your neighbors when you're entering the same contest each year as well asked the reporter.

Why sir, said the farmer, didn't you know The wind picks up pollen from the ripening corn and swirls it from field to field. If my neighbors grew inferior corn, cross-pollination would steadily degrade the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good corn, I must help my neighbor do the same.

And so it is with other situations in our lives. Those who want to be successful must help their neighbors, friends, relatives to be successful.

Those who choose to live well must help others live well, for the value of a life is measured by the lives it touches. And those who choose to be happy must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.

This story exemplifies "altruism."

Altruism: Action that benefits another person, including comforting, helping, sharing, rescuing and cooperating. Acts of concern for other people - without any hope of reward.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Cure For Sorrow

There is an old Chinese tale about a woman whose only son died.

In her grief, she went to the holy man and said, "What prayers, what magical incantations do you have to bring my son back to life?"

Instead of sending her away or reasoning with her, he said to her, "Fetch me a mustard seed from a home that has never known sorrow. We will use it to drive the sorrow out of your life." The woman went off at once in search of that magical mustard seed.

She came first to a splendid mansion, knocked at the door, and said, "I am looking for a home that has never known sorrow. Is this a place? It is very important to me."

They told her, "You've certainly come to the wrong place," and began to describe all the tragic things that recently had befallen them.

The woman said to herself, "Who is better able to help these poor, unfortunate people that I, who have had misfortune of my own?"

She stayed to comfort them, and then went on in search of a home that had never known sorrow. But wherever she turned, in hovels and in other places, she found one tale after another of sadness and misfortune.

She became so involved in ministering to other people's grief that ultimately she forgot about her quest for the magical mustard seed, never realizing that it had, in fact, driven the sorrow out of her life.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Little Lessons Of Life

Don't go for looks, they can deceive.
Don't go for wealth even that fades away.
Go for someone who makes you smile.

There are moments in life
when you really miss someone
that you want to pick them up
from your dreams and hug them.
Hope you dream of that someone.

Dream what you want to dream,
go where you want to go,
be what you want to be,
because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things
you want in life.

May you have...
Enough happiness to make you sweet
Enough trials to make you strong
Enough sorrow to keep you human
Enough hope to make you happy
And enough money to buy gifts.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens.
But we often took so long at the closed door,
that we don't see the one which has been opened for us.

The best kind of friend is the one
you could sit on a porch, swing with,
never saying a word and then walk away feeling
like that was the best conversation you've had.

It's true that we don't know
what we've got until we lose it,
but it's also true that we don't know what
we've been missing until it arrives.

Always put yourself in other's shoes.
If you feel that it hurts you,
it probably does hurt the person too.

Friday, September 21, 2007

No Problem

Don't worry if you have problems! Which is easy to say until you are
in the midst of a really big one, I know. But the only people I am
aware of who don't have troubles are gathered in little neighborhoods.
Most communities have at least one. We call them cemeteries.

If you're breathing, you have difficulties. It's the way of life. And
believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be good for you!
Let me explain.

Maybe you have seen the Great Barrier Reef, stretching some 1,800
miles from New Guinea to Australia. Tour guides regularly take
visitors to view the reef. On one tour, the guide was asked an
interesting question. I notice that the lagoon side of the reef looks
pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and colorful, a
traveler observed. Why is this

The guide gave an interesting answer The coral around the lagoon side
is in still water, with no challenge for its survival. It dies early.
The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves,
storms - surges of power. It has to fight for survival every day of
its life. As it is challenged and tested it changes and adapts. It
grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces. Then he added this
telling note That's the way it is with every living organism.

That's how it is with people. Challenged and tested, we come alive!
Like coral pounded by the sea, we grow. Physical demands can cause us
to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce
tough-mindedness and resiliency. Spiritual testing can produce
strength of character and faithfulness.

So, you have problems - no problem! Just tell yourself, There I grow again!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What Is Life All About

Life isn't about keeping score.
It's not about how many friends you have
Or how accepted you are.
Not about if you have plans this weekend or if you're alone.

It isn't about who you have kissed,
It isn't about who your family is or
how much money they have
Or what kind of car you drive.

Or where you are sent to school.
It's not about how beautiful or ugly you are.
Or what clothes you wear, what shoes you have on,
Or what kind of music you listen to.

It's not about if your hair is blonde, red, black, or brown,
Or if your skin is too light or too dark.
Not about what grades you get how smart you are, how smart
everybody else thinks you are, or how smart
standardized tests say you are.

Life just isn't.

Life is about who you love and who you hurt.
It's about who you make happy or unhappy purposely.
It's about keeping or betraying trust.
It's about friendship, used as a sanctity or as a weapon.

It's about what you say and mean, maybe hurtful, maybe heartening.
It's about starting rumors and contributing to petty gossip.
It's about what judgments you pass and why.
And who your judgments are spread to.

It's about who you've ignored with full control and intention.
It's about jealousy, fear, ignorance, and revenge.
It's about carrying inner hate and love,
letting it grow and spreading it.

But most of all, it's about using your life to touch or poison
other people's hearts in such a way that could have
never occurred alone.

Only you choose the way those hearts are affected, and those
choices are what life's all about.

Today let this rainbow remind your friends and family
of what life is really all about.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Logical Solution

This is worth reading...never underestimate your customer's complaint,
no matter how silly it might sound to be.

This is a real story that happened between the customer of General
Motors and its Customer-Care Executive.

A complaint was received by the Pontiac Division of General Motors

This is the second time I have written to you, and I don't blame you
for not answering me, because I sounded crazy, but it is a fact that
we have a tradition in our family of Ice-Cream for dessert after
dinner each night. But the kind of ice cream varies so, every night,
after we've eaten, the whole family votes on which kind of ice cream
we should have and I drive down to the store to get it.

It's also a fact that I recently purchased a new Pontiac and since
then my trips to the store have created a problem. You see, every time
I buy a vanilla ice cream, when I start back from the store my car
won't start. If I get any other kind of ice cream, the car starts just
fine. I want you to know I'm serious about this question, no matter
how silly it sounds What is there about a Pontiac that makes it not
start when I get vanilla ice cream, and easy to start whenever I get
any other kind

The Pontiac President was understandably skeptical about the letter,
but sent an Engineer to check it out anyway. The latter was surprised
and greeted by a successful, obviously well educated man in a fine
neighborhood. He had arranged to meet the man just after dinnertime,
so the two hopped into the car and drove to the ice cream store. It
was vanilla ice cream that night and, sure enough, after they came
back to the car, it wouldn't start.

The Engineer returned for three more nights. The first night, they got
chocolate. The car started. The second night, he got strawberry. The
car started. The third night he ordered vanilla. The car failed to
start. Now the Engineer, being a logical man, refused to believe that
this man's car was allergic to vanilla ice cream. He arranged,
therefore, to continue his visits for as long as it took to solve the

And toward this end he began to take notes he jotted down all sorts of
data time of day,type of gas uses, time to drive back and forth etc.
In a short time, he had a clue the man took less time to buy vanilla
than any other flavor. Why The answer was in the layout of the store.

Vanilla being the most popular flavor, was in a separate case at the
front of the store for quick pickup. All the other flavors were kept
in the back of the store at a different counter where it took
considerably longer to check out the flavor.

Now, the question for the Engineer was why the car wouldn't start when
it took less time.

Once time became problem - not the vanilla ice cream Eureka!!!! The
engineer quickly came up with the answer vapour lock.

It was happening every night; but the extra time taken to get the
other flavors allowed the engine to cool down sufficiently to start.
When the man got vanilla, the engine was still too hot for the vapour
lock to dissipate.

So then, Even crazy looking problems are sometimes real and all
problems seem to be simple only when we find the solution with a cool

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

God Does Exist

A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always.

He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended
him. They talked about so many things and various subjects. suddenly,
they touched the subject of God.

The barber said: "Look man, I don't believe that God exists as you say so."

Why do you say that?" - asked the client.

Well, it's so easy, you just have to go out in the street to realize
that God does not exist. Oh, tell me, if God existed, would there be
so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God
existed, there would be no suffering nor pain. I can't think of a God
who permits all of these things."

The client stopped for a moment thinking but he didn't want to respond
so as to prevent an argument. The barber finished his job and the
client went out of the shop. Just after he left the barber shop he saw
a man in the street with a long hair and beard (it seems that it had
been a long time since he had his cut and he looked so untidy).

Then the client again entered the barber shop and he said to the
barber: know what? Barbers do not exist."

"How come they don't exist?"-asked the barber. "Well I am here and I
am a barber."

"No!" - the client exclaimed. "They don't exist because if they did
there would be no people with long hair and beard like that man who
walks in the street."

"Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not come to me."

"Exactly!"- affirmed the client. "That's the point. GOD does exist,
what happens is people don't go to Him and do not look for Him that's
why there's so much pain and suffering in the world."

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Life's Struggles

A man found a cocoon of an emperor moth. He took it home so that he
could watch the moth come out of the cocoon. On the day a small
opening appeared, he sat and watched the moth for several hours as the
moth struggled to force the body through that little hole.

Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had
gotten as far as it could and it could go no farther. It just seemed
to be stuck. Then the man, in his kindness, decided to help the moth,
so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the
cocoon. The moth then emerged easily.

But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man
continued to watch the moth because he expected that, at any moment,
the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body,
which would contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the little
moth spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body
and shriveled body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.

What the man in his kindness and haste did not understand was that the
restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the moth to get
through the tiny opening was the way of forcing fluid from the body of
the moth into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it
achieved its freedom from the cocoon. Freedom and flight would only
come after the struggle. By depriving the moth of a struggle, he
deprived the moth of health.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were
to go through our life without any obstacles, we would be crippled.

We would not be as strong as what we could have been. Give every
opportunity a chance, leave no room for regrets.