Monday, October 29, 2007

The Secret

Contributed By: Shilpa

One day, one friend asked another,
"How is it that you are always so happy?
You have so much energy,
and you never seem to get down."

With her eyes smiling, she said,
"I know the Secret!"
"What secret is that?"
To which she replied,
"I'll tell you all about it,
but you have to promise to
share the Secret with others."

"The Secret is this:
I have learned there is little I can do
in my life that will make me truly happy..
I must depend on God to make
me happy and to meet my needs.
When a need arises in my life,
I have to trust God to supply
according to HIS riches.
I have learned most of the time
I don't need half of what I think I do.
He has never let me down.
Since I learned that 'Secret', I am happy."

The questioner's first thought was,
"That's too simple!"
But upon reflecting over her own life
she recalled how she thought a bigger house
would make her happy, but it didn't!
She thought a better paying job
would make her happy, but it hadn't.
When did she realize her greatest happiness?
Sitting on the floor with her grandchildren,
playing games, eating pizza or reading a story,
a simple gift from God.

Now you know it too!
We can't depend on people to make us happy.
Only GOD in His infinite wisdom can do that.
Trust HIM!
And now I pass the Secret on to you!
So once you get it, what will you do?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Short Story By Tagore

Contributed By: Kirti Jain

The man was quite a loafer.

He did not have any work to do, but had lots of hobbies.

He used to pour earth into little wooden moulds and decorate them with
oyster-shells. From a distance it looked like a hazy picture with a
flight of birds in it; or like an uneven field with cattle grazing; or
maybe like an undulating hilly landscape with a stream or a hikers'
path running across it.

His folks used to rebuke him. Sometimes he also thought that he would
give up all these crazy ideas. But craziness refused to leave him

--- 2 ---

There are some boys who neglect their studies throughout the year, but
pass the exams nevertheless. Something similar happenned to this man.

All his life was spent in worthless pursuits. And yet after his death,
he heard that he had been allowed admission to heaven.

But providence accompanies a man even on his way to heaven. The angels
made a mistake and put him into the heaven of the workaholics.

There was everything in that heaven except a little time to relax.

There every man was saying, ``Hardly have any time to breathe!'' Every
woman was saying, ``See you later, I'll have to get back to work.''
Everybody was saying, ``Time is extremely valuable!'' No one was
saying, ``Time is invaluable.'' Everyone was complaining, ``There's a
hell of a lot of work'', and was feeling quite pleased with that. The
theme song for this place was --- ``I am really tired working.''

This fellow did not fit anywhere, did not know where to go. He walked
carelessly on the streets and got in the way of busy people. He spread
his towel by the side of the road and sat down. People told him that
he was sitting on plant beds where seeds had been sown. So all the
time he had to move aside, he had to leave his place.

--- 3 ---

A very busy girl came everyday to take water from the fountain of heaven.

The lilt of her walk was like a fast tune played on a sitar.

She tied her hair in a quick braid. Even then a few strands of hair
freed themselves from that knot and leaned forward on her forehead, as
if just to catch a glimpse of her black and beautiful eyes.

The heavenly loafer was standing nearby, as still as a tree beside the
restive fountain.

The girl took pity on him, much like a princess at the sight of a
beggar through her palace window.

``Poor thing! Don't you have any work to do?''

The man heaved a sigh and said, ``I have no time for work.''

The girl did not have any idea of what he was talking about. She said,
``Do you want some work to do? I can give you some.''

The man said, ``Yes, I wanted some work right from your hands. That is
why I have been waiting here.''

``What kind of work do you want?''

``I was wondering if you could lend me one of those pitchers that you
fill up with water.''

``What do you want to do with a pitcher? Want to carry water?''

``Not at all. I want to draw pictures on it.''

The girl was annoyed. She said, ``I'm running out of time. I've got to go.''

But a person of work can never match the arguments of a person of no
work. Every single day they met near the fountain, and everyday the
man said the same thing, ``Why don't you lend me a pitcher, I want to
draw pictures on it.''

The girl gave up. She lent him a pitcher.

The man started painting on it all around --- beautiful colors,
beautiful curves.

When he had finished, the girl picked up the pitcher. She held it in
her hand and looked at it from all directions. Then she frowned and
said, ``What does it mean?''

The man said, ``It doesn't mean anything.''

The girl went home with her pitcher.

When nobody else was around, she looked at the pitcher. She looked at
it from different angles, in different shades of light. When everyone
else had fallen asleep, she got out of her bed, lit the lamp, and sat
silently in front of the pitcher. This was the first thing she saw in
her life which did not have any meaning.

On the following day, when she arrived at the fountain, she was not
walking as swiftly as before. Her feet were getting careless while
walking --- as if they were thinking of something --- something which
did not have any meaning.

The man was standing by the side of the fountain that day as well.

The girl asked him, ``What do you want?''

He said, ``I want more work from you.''

``What kind of work?''

``If you want, I can weave colorful strings and make ribbons for you
so that you can braid your hair with them.''

``What use will that come to?''

``No use at all.''

The ribbons were made in due time --- in various colors, in various
designs. From that time on, the girl needed more time near the mirror
while braiding her hair. Hours passed by, work remained undone.

--- 4 ---

At the heaven of workaholics, among the vast space of work and work
and work, very soon there appeared huge voids. Songs and sobs started
filling up those voids.

The authorities got anxious. They called a meeting. They said,
``Nothing of its kind has happened in the history of this place,''

The angel admitted the mistake. He said, ``I brought the wrong man
into the wrong heaven.''

The wrong man was summonned to the court. At the sight of him entering
the courthouse, wearing a colorful turban and a lavishly decorated
belt, everyone understood that this man was a big misfit.

The chairman said, ``You will have to go back to earth.''

The man picked up his paints, brush and easel. He heaved a big sigh of
relief and said, ``Okay, see you then.''

The girl came and said, ``I want to go as well.''

The elderly chairman was puzzled. This was the first thing he saw in
his life which did not have any meaning at all.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Life And The Ant

One morning I wasted nearly an hour watching a tiny ant carry a huge
feather cross my back terrace. Several times it was confronted by
obstacles in its path and after a momentary pause it would make the
necessary detour.

At one point the ant had to negotiate a crack in the concrete about
10mm wide. After brief contemplation the ant laid the feather over the
crack, walked across it and picked up the feather on the other side
then continued on its way. I was fascinated by the ingenuity of this
ant, one of God's smallest creatures. It served to reinforce the
miracle of creation. Here was a minute insect, lacking in size yet
equipped with a brain to reason, explore, discover and overcome. But
this ant, like the two-legged co-residents of this planet, also share
human failings.

After some time the ant finally reached its destination - a flower bed
at the end of the terrace and a small hole that was the entrance to
its underground home. And it was here that the ant finally met its
match. How could that large feather possibly fit down small hole

Of course it couldn't. so the ant, after all this trouble and
exercising great ingenuity, overcoming problems all along the way,
just abandoned the feather and went home.

The ant had not thought the problem through before it began its epic
journey and in the end the feather was nothing more than a burden.
Isn't life like that!

We worry about our family, we worry about money or the lack of it, we
worry about work, about where we live, about all sorts of things.
These are all burdens - the things we pick up along life's path and
lug them around the obstacles and over the crevasses that life will
bring, only to find that at the destination they are useless and we
can't take them with us...

Sunday, October 14, 2007


While trying to ignore my teen daughters rap music a thought came to me. Whoever the rap artist was that she was listening to, is very positive about him self. He was negative about the women in his life, he made negative statements about the police but when it came to himself he was very positive. He used "I" statements, "I am going to be rich by the age of 24." He visualized all the material items he would like to manifest such as cars trimmed in gold, houses and yachts. In his music he was claiming his success.

As a child I remember Muhammad Ali shouting, "I am the greatest!" No matter what Howard Cossell said Ali would still state he was the greatest! This is the attitude that successful people have. They walk the walk and talk the talk of success. They feel success through their mind, body and soul. They envision what they want and manifest it into reality.

In order to be successful you have to have the attitude of being successful. How are you going to accomplish your dreams of success if you can't even envision your dreams coming true? You have to feel good about yourself in order to obtain the dream that you are pursuing. Whether it's a dream of career transition, material gain or just the dream of peace of mind. You have to have the attitude of I am the greatest! In order to achieve whatever your heart desires.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Life In Your Hands

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn;
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight;
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy;
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty;

If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient;
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence;
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate;
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice;

If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith;
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself;
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world.


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reason Or Season

Contributed By: Shilpa Gudwani
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.


Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it, it is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons, things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Wave

The story is about a little wave, bobbing along in the ocean, having a grand time. He's enjoying the wind and fresh air - until he notices the other waves in front of him crashing against the shore.

My God this is terrible, the wave says Look what's going to happen to me!

Then along comes another wave. It sees the first wave, looking grim, and it says to him, Why do you look so sad?

The first wave says, You don't understand! We're all going to crash! All of us waves are going to be nothing! Isn't it terrible?

The second wave says, No, you don't understand. You're not a wave, you're part of the ocean.

Have you ever faced the inevitable reality of the shore?
What was the first wave's initial response to change?
What negative things can come out of watching the other waves crash in front?
What positive things can come out of watching the other waves crash in front?
How different will the first wave be AFTER crashing on the shore?
Who is this second wave guy?
Why is he important?
What does it mean to be part of the ocean?
Do we human beings on this planet realize that we are all tiny particles of water drops in this ocean called humanity and we are a part of this wave called human civilization..?

Take care to preserve yourself & to preserve humanity.


Monday, October 08, 2007

Harsh Words

A woman bought eggs and butter from a farmer who had a fine reputation not only for the quality of his products, but also for his promptness of delivery.

Then one day, when she was expecting guests, he failed to come. On the next delivery, she spoke harshly to him. At the end of her tirade he said quietly, "I'm sorry if I caused you any inconvenience, but I had the misfortune of burying my mother yesterday."

Ashamed, the woman determined never to speak harshly to anyone again until she fully understood the cause of the delay.
