Friday, November 03, 2006

Think Again - When You Think You Have Lost

I was praying two days ago and suddenly I saw the sun shinning. I never saw the sun so orange. It would disappear again behind rooftops of houses and again it would come and again it would disappear behind the rooftops. I asked God why is he letting the sun come up and then let is disappear again. He did not answer me till this morning when I was talking to a woman who also read a course in miracles. She told me that probably God wanted to show me that there is brightness, but also there is darkness. At that moment I understood that life is not this or that, but life is this and that.

Hope is not something we have to lose, the same counts for  sadness; the more you resist sadness the harder it will get. To have hope is to have faith. Even in the darkest periods of the life faith and hope are always there; the most faithful friends. The sun did not leave, it was there behind the rooftops. It came when it was time for it to come. Being aware that the sun always will shine will give you hope in a new life. Every new day is a new life and the sun shines everyday. Even at night when we don't see it, it is there. Just as the trees, the birds and the see. There is always hope. It is as stable as any part of the nature, for it is nature. God created
nature. We created pain and hurt, because we do hurt each other sometimes, forgetting that a simple sorry would do the cure.

Each day I am more aware of the nature and that I am part of it. Sometimes a big nature disaster will occur, but the nature will always fix it again. So my friends, if you have a broken heart for whatever reason, know that you are a part of nature and nature will always fix it again.

I am sharing this with you knowing that a lot of us are having or had a broken heart. Every time we get mad or sad it is our love for ourselves or for someone else that gets damaged. I think that life is about love; you make breakfast in the mornings for your family because you love them, you buy yourself a new book, because you love you. Everything you do or don't do is because you love, and when that feeling gets, hurt your heart brakes. When you think you have lost..............THINK AGAIN!!!!!!!!


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