Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy Independence Day - Vande Mataram

Vande Mataram , distinct from the national anthem of India "Jana Gana
Mana". The song was composed by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay in a
mixture of Bengali and Sanskrit.

It is generally believed that the concept of Vande Mataram came to
Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay when he was still a government official
under the British Raj. Around 1870, the British rulers of India had
declared that singing of God Save the Queen would be mandatory.[1] He
wrote it in a spontaneous session using words from two languages he
was expert in, Sanskrit and Bengali. However, the song was initially
highly criticized for the difficulty in pronunciation of some of the
words.[1] The song first appeared in Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay's
book Anandamatha (pronounced Anondomôţh in Bengali), published in 1882
amid fears of a ban by British Raj. However, the song itself was
actually written in 1876.[1] Jadunath Bhattacharya set the tune for
this song just after it was written.[1]

The flag raised by Bhikaiji Cama in 1907"Vande Mataram" was the
national cry for freedom from British oppression during the freedom
movement. Large rallies, fermenting initially in Bengal, in the major
metropolis of Calcutta, would work themselves up into a patriotic
fervour by shouting the slogan "Vande Mataram," or "Hail to the
Mother(land)!". The British, fearful of the potential danger of an
incited Indian populace, at one point banned the utterance of the
motto in public forums, and imprisoned many freedom fighters for
disobeying the proscription. Rabindranath Tagore sang Vande Mataram in
1896 at the Calcutta Congress Session held at Beadon Square. Dakhina
Charan Sen sang it five years later in 1901 at another session of the
Congress at Calcutta. Poet Sarala Devi Chaudurani sang the song in the
Benares Congress Session in 1905. Lala Lajpat Rai started a journal
called Vande Mataram from Lahore.[1] Hiralal Sen made India's first
political film in 1905 which ended with the chant. Matangini Hazra's
last words as she was shot to death by the Crown police were Vande

In 1907, Bhikaiji Cama (1861-1936) created the first version of
India's national flag (the Tiranga) in Stuttgart, Germany in 1907. It
had Vande Mataram written on it in the middle band [3]

Regarding the song, Bankimchandra noted almost prophetically,"I may
not live to see its popularity, but this song will be sung by every
Indian..." A number of lyrical and musical experiments have been done
and many versions of the song have been created and released
throughout the 20th century. Many of these versions have employed
traditional South Asian classical ragas. Versions of the song have
been visualized on celluloid in a number of films including Leader
(film), Amar asha and Anandamath. It is widely believed that the tune
set for All India Radio station version was composed by Ravi
Shankar.[1] To this day,Vande Mataram is seen as a national mantra
describing the love of patriots for India.

Muslim support for Vande Mataram
Though a number of Muslim organizations and individuals have opposed
Vande Mataram being used as a "national song" of India, citing many
religious reasons, some Muslim personalities have admired and even
praised Vande Mataram as the "National Song of India" . Arif Mohammed
Khan,who was for a long time Member of Parliament has even written an
Urdu translation of Vande Mataram which starts as Tasleemat, maan
tasleemat.[7] In 2006, amidst the controversy of whether singing of
the song in schools should be mandatory or optional, some Indian
Muslims did show support for singing the song.[6]

All India Sunni Ulema Board on Sept 6, 2006 issued a fatwa that the
Muslims can sing the first two verses of the song. The Board president
Moulana Mufti Syed Shah Badruddin Qadri Aljeelani said that "If you
bow at the feet of your mother with respect, it is not shirk but only
respect."[8] Shia scholar and All India Muslim Personal Law Board
vice-president Maulana Kalbe Sadiq stated on Sept 5, 2006 that
scholars need to examine the term "vande". He asked, "Does it mean
salutation or worship?"[9] Most Muslims object to the idea of bowing
to their parents or even to their prophet saying that bowing to anyone
else either physically or symbolically is haram or forbidden.[10][11]
[not in citation given] On the other hand, there are some Bengali
Muslims who pay respects to their parents by bowing. This comes from
pre-Islamic Hindu practices, and is considered haram by many orthodox
Muslims.[12][not in citation given]

Sikh Support for Vande Mataram
Shiromani Gurudwara Parbandhak Committee SGPC, Sikhs' paramount
representative body chief Jathedar Avtar Singh Makkar stated on Sept.
7, 2006 that his views were incorrectly stated by his media department
in an earlier release ordering all its 100 schools and colleges to say
`No' to the song. In an interview he stated that "The Sikhs children
would sing Vande Mataram and Deh Shiva Var Mohe, the song scripted by
tenth Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh in the morning prayers". He
also said "What is wrong with the Vande Mataram? It is a national song
and speaks of patriotism. We are part of the Indian nation and Sikhs
have greatly contributed for its independence."[13] However Dal
Khalsa, Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Prabhandak Committee and other
International Sikh organisations supporting Khalistan have criticized
the SGPC chief.[14]

Christian support for Vande Mataram
Fr Cyprian Kullu, in Bihar told in an interview with AsiaNews: "The
song is a part of our history and national festivity and religion
should not be dragged into such mundane things. The Vande Mataram is
simply a national song without any connotation that could violate the
tenets of any religion."[15] However some Christian institutions such
as Our Lady of Fatima Convent School in Patiala did not sing the song
on its 100th anniversary as mandated by the state.[16] Haqeeqat, a
virulently anti-Hindu book written by Christian evangelist MJ Mathew
and distributed by Emmanuel Mission International, states: "India the
only use of Sanskrit is by Hindutvawadis to sing Vande
Mataram"[17]despite the fact that a contemporary rendition of the song
was made by A.R. Rahman, a Muslim.

Text of Vande Mataram

[edit] Version adopted by Congress, 1905
In Devanagari script
वन्दे मातरम्
सुजलां सुफलां मलयजशीतलाम्
शस्यश्यामलां मातरम् |
शुभ्र ज्योत्स्ना पुलकित यामिनीम्
फुल्ल कुसुमित द्रुमदलशोभिनीम्,
सुहासिनीं सुमधुर भाषिणीम्
सुखदां वरदां मातरम् ||

In Bengali script
বন্দে মাতরম্
সুজলাং সুফলাং মলযজশীতলাম্
শস্য শ্যামলাং মাতরম্ |
শুভ্র জ্যোত্স্ন পুলকিত যামিনীম্
ফুল্ল কুসুমিত দ্রুমদলশোভিনীম্,
সুহাসিনীং সুমধুর ভাষিণীম্
সুখদাং বরদাং মাতরম্ ||

Devanagari transliteration
vande mātaram
sujalāṃ suphalāṃ malayajaśītalām
sasya śyāmalāṃ mātaram
śubhra jyotsnā pulakita yāminīm
phulla kusumita drumadalaśobhinīm
suhāsinīṃ sumadhura bhāṣiṇīm
sukhadāṃ varadāṃ mātaram

Bengali Romanization
bônde matorom
shujolang shufolang môloeôjoshitolam
shoshsho shêmolang matorom
shubhro josno pulokito jamolim
fullo kushumito drumodôloshobhinim
shuhashining shumodhuro bhashinim
shukhodang bôrodang matorom

Full Version in Anandamath
In Devanagari script
सुजलां सुफलां मलयजशीतलाम्
शस्यश्यामलां मातरम् .
शुभ्र-ज्योत्स्नाम् पुलकितयामिनीम्
फुल्लकुसुमित द्रुमदलशोभिनीम्,
सुहासिनीं सुमधुर भाषिणीम् .
सुखदां वरदां मातरम् ॥

सप्तकोटि कण्ठ कलकल निनाद कराले
द्विसप्त कोटि भुजैर्ध्रत खरकरवाले
के बोले मा तुमी अबले
बहुबल धारिणीम् नमामि तारिणीम्
रिपुदलवारिणीम् मातरम् ॥

तुमि विद्या तुमि धर्म, तुमि ह्रदि तुमि मर्म
त्वं हि प्राणाः शरीरे
बाहुते तुमि मा शक्ति,
हृदये तुमि मा भक्ति,
तोमारै प्रतिमा गडि मन्दिरे-मन्दिरे ॥

त्वं हि दुर्गा दशप्रहरणधारिणी
कमला कमलदल विहारिणी
वाणी विद्यादायिनी, नमामि त्वाम्
नमामि कमलां अमलां अतुलाम्
सुजलां सुफलां मातरम् ॥

श्यामलां सरलां सुस्मितां भूषिताम्
धरणीं भरणीं मातरम् ॥

In Bengali script
সুজলাং সুফলাং মলয়জশীতলাম্
শস্যশ্যামলাং মাতরম্॥
শুভ্রজ্যোত্স্না পুলকিতযামিনীম্
পুল্লকুসুমিত দ্রুমদলশোভিনীম্
সুহাসিনীং সুমধুর ভাষিণীম্
সুখদাং বরদাং মাতরম্॥

কোটি কোটি কণ্ঠ কলকলনিনাদ করালে
কোটি কোটি ভুজৈর্ধৃতখরকরবালে
কে বলে মা তুমি অবলে
বহুবলধারিণীং নমামি তারিণীম্
রিপুদলবারিণীং মাতরম্॥

তুমি বিদ্যা তুমি ধর্ম, তুমি হৃদি তুমি মর্ম
ত্বং হি প্রাণ শরীরে
বাহুতে তুমি মা শক্তি
হৃদয়ে তুমি মা ভক্তি
তোমারৈ প্রতিমা গড়ি মন্দিরে মন্দিরে॥

ত্বং হি দুর্গা দশপ্রহরণধারিণী
কমলা কমলদল বিহারিণী
বাণী বিদ্যাদায়িনী ত্বাম্
নমামি কমলাং অমলাং অতুলাম্
সুজলাং সুফলাং মাতরম্॥

শ্যামলাং সরলাং সুস্মিতাং ভূষিতাম্
ধরণীং ভরণীং মাতরম্॥

Mother, I salute thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Green fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.

Glory of moonlight dreams,
Over thy branches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother I kiss thy feet,
Speaker sweet and low!
Mother, to thee I bow.

Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands
When swords flash out in seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who art mighty and stored,
To thee I call Mother and Lord!
Thou who saves, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foe drove
Back from plain and sea
And shook herself free.

Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Though art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nerves the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.

Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her
swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned,
And the Muse a hundred-toned,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleems,
Dark of hue O candid-fair

In thy soul, with jewelled hair
And thy glorious smile divine,
Loveliest of all earthly lands,
Showering wealth from well-stored hands!
Mother, mother mine!
Mother sweet, I bow to thee,
Mother great and free!

translated by Sri Aurobindo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Vande Matram
Long live the revolution... the unceasing, the never ending...
Viva La Revolucion....