Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Attaining Purpose of Life


There are three steps to attain the whole-sole purpose of human life.


Step One: Be Positive Minded


Always bear a positive outlook. Several pessimistic and negative thoughts might come across your path in this journey towards your goal. Transform every negative thought to a positive one by using the word but. If a thought comes to you, I am sad, then immediately transform this thought into a positive one. Say, I am sad, but if I desire,

I can experience the feeling of bliss here and now itself. If you think that I cannot do this work, then reframe the thought in this manner I cannot do this, but with the help of God it can be possible.


Step Two: Be Present Minded


In this step you are required to keep yourself alert about every sound, every incident, every thought around you, every moment. By doing so, you will become sensitive about yourself and your surroundings. You will also get rid of forgetfulness. You shall no more remain absentminded. Your awareness about the present also will make you aware

about negative emotions or vices in you such as hatred, disgust, anger, pride, comparison and greed. Thus your mind starts to become pure. Practice living in the present using all the methods and meditations that you come across.


Step Three: Be Single Minded


In the third step, you are undisturbed and only focused towards the whole-sole purpose of your life. Remind yourself of your whole sole purpose throughout the day. It is the law of life that whatever you are receptive toward, whatever you focus your attention on, that manifests in your life. Be single minded about the whole sole purpose of being established in the centre within where you experience eternal bliss.



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